

Script : Local Motion Blur.

You can download the script here (for 2.40) or a .blend exemple file here

Situation :

You have an animation on meshes. You want to use Motion Blur but you want it to be faster or just active for some mesh.

What the script do?

- Script create copies of selected object. For each of this copy set an Offset for animation and set the same material as original object with an alpha value.
Consequently when you render, even if you have a big OSA value, you only render once the frame. Speed of render is improved !

How to use script :

You can see Flash TUTORIAL or

1. Launch script with Alt+P (once the script is imported in Blender) or Put it in .blender/scripts/ folder and follow the instructions open it from the Scripts Window in mesh section area (you can follow this instructions)

A guide user interface will appear (you should split areas if needed to have a 3D view and script view)

2. You can chose all objects you want for local Motion Blur in the list:
*Use "Add Selected Objects" to add selected objects to the list
*Use the list menu and "x" to delete a object of list.

3. Chose settings for Motion Blur effect :

* You have to side : one for past and another for futur (note that normal Motion Blur can give access only to past side)

* Preview bar is a good help : dark line represent you object and grey lines copies.

* Settings :
   - Step size : the 'distance' between 2 copy (in fact step of Offset)
   - Number of copy : number of object created.
      Bigger number of copy and lower step size are,smoother MBlur is.
   - A Start : Begining of alpha value for copy
   - A decrease : Step of alpha decreasing between two copies

4. Use Make Motion Blur button. Then press Show MBlur (it is the same as activate layer 10).

5. You can stop script by esc or use it for other objects with other settings or delete what was made by script using Delete Motion Blur.

6. Now you can Render (all animation or just a frame). Don't activate Mblur button in Display Button.

Exemple with a lot of copy in past and a little in futur:


 Known problems :

1. The biggest problem of this script is that it don't made all as the MBlur :
Motion Blur render picture before current frame and mix it. This script made copies of object and use alpha value of materials. Consequently it also render hidden faces of your mesh. It could be a little strange but in most case nobody matter it.

2. Objects with parents are not always well Motion Blured : all depend on which way you use to parent.

3. Modifiers (like subsurf) are not take into account. Maybe for 2.41 version :)

Future plans :
- Solve problem of parenting.

Version history (most recent in first):
- Multi-material and textures support.
- Copy of all properties of object to copies.
- 2.40 compatibility.
- Better report of problems
- Local Pseudo-Motion Blur (idea of J-M.S.)

Many thanks to JMS for the idea of this script and for his script LampDataCopier from which a part of this script is inspired.

For any problems or suggestion contact me : r3gis