

Script : Change active camera during animation.

You can download the script here (for >2.37)

Situation :

You have an animation but you want to use more than one camera to film scene.

What the script do?

- Automatic change of camera during animation (and render).

How to use script :

You can see the FLASH Tutorial.

1. Open it from the Scripts Window in animation section (you can follow this instructions using camera_changer instead of Trajectory)

2. Script will confirm you that it's all right.

3. Name the camera Object with the number of the frame(s)
where you want this camera to become active

For example:
- a camera called "10" will become active at frame 10.
- a camera called "10,25,185" will become active at frames 10, 25 and 185.

>> Your camera will become active at good frames (even if you stop and reopen Blender).

 Known problems :

1. None.

Just be carefull that "Enable Script Link" toogle is active (in Script Buttons).

Version history (most recent in first):
- Inclusion in 2.37 and higher bundled scripts.
- Creation of this script using idea of the script of Jms : see here

>> Many thanks to all that help and advise me for this script on Elysiun, Zoo-Logique & BlenderClan

For any problems or suggestion contact me : r3gis